Welcome to 7th Grade ELA!
My name is Heather Bernard. I am a Central Alumni, class of 2001! I have lived in the district since my seventh grade year. I am married to my husband, Nic, and have three kids: one in college, one in high school, and one in 2nd grade.
This is my 19th year teaching. I have taught one year in Herscher, and 17 years in Milford. I've taught second, fourth, and was the reading specialist for K-8. I also taught ELL at Milford. I am excited to be at Central, and look forward to teaching 7th grade.
If you have any questions for me through the year, Dojo is the best way to get a hold of me. I check that all day. You can also email me: hbernard@cusd4.org. My prep period is from 9:49-10:33, or you can call before or after school.
I can't wait to get to know all of the seventh graders and all of their families!